Power Plant can be designed as per the requirement of individuals to entire village, society and town. Installation of Power Plant varies from 1 KW to any capacity required.Both On Grid (Without Back up) and Off Grid (With Power Back) can be catered. The Central Government through MNRE is offering capital subsidy for solar power plant can be used in Hybrid mode with conventional electricity.Module of up to 300 WP can be used for designing the same. Covered in village remote electrification programe of Central Government which offers 90% subsidy for approved village electrification.No cost of electricity other than capital cost and negligible maintenance cost.The Performance guarantee of 15-25 years of Solar Modules used in power plant.
Solar Power Plant at 220/440/600V. DC to 10KW to 5MW Generation transformed as required.
Easy to installPower Generation on large scale, Off grid or On grid connected.Hybrid power plants for large industrial applications.Solar modules 210WP to 300WP, 18V to 24V- See more at: